Boric Acid Risks
study (Tarasenko et al. 1972), summarized by Moore
(1997), found a decrease in sexual activity
in 28 workers exposed to very high concentrations of
boron (10 mg/m3). Examination of the semen from six
of the workers demonstrated a reduction in semen
volume, a decrease in the number of spermatozoa, and
decreased sperm motility.
Page 160
As discussed in the section on Absorption, boron has
been detected in the urine after exposure to boric
acid via the dermal, inhalation, and oral routes.
Developmental toxicity appears to be the most
sensitive endpoint for boric acid.
National Academies of Science, Toxicological
Risks of Selected Flame-Retardant Chemicals (2000),
Commission on Life Sciences (CLS)
“Chronic dermal exposure to boron in neonates was
fatal (Litovitz et al. 1988).”
“Boron does cause health effects following acute
dermal exposure.”
“Animal studies demonstrated that boron can cause
injury after intermediate and chronic exposure to
the gonads in animals, especially the testes. (Seal
and Weeth 1980)”
Human studies have shown that boron can be lethal
following short-term exposure. The minimal lethal
dose of ingested boron (as boric acid) was reported
to be 2-3 g in infants, 5-6 g in children and 15-20
g in adults (Locatelli et al. 1987; Wong et al.
The above quotes come from The Agency for Toxic
Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR)
a division of the Center for Disease Control (CDC)
published report called ‘Health Effects’ that
reviews all the known science on Boric Acid. Please
see the entire 36 page report at:
Below are quotes from the conclusions of this
injury to the gonads and to the developing
fetus. …
Boron (as boron
oxide and boric acid dusts) has been shown to
cause irritation of the upper respiratory tract
in humans. …
Boron does cause
health effects following acute dermal exposure.
Neonatal children
are unusually susceptible to boron exposure. …
damage is an area of concern following exposure
to boron …
In spite of the
absence of reliable human data, limited evidence
of reproductive effects in animals suggest that
reproductive toxicity may be an area of concern
following boron exposure in humans.”
We know the most about Boric Acid from numerous
human and animal studies that cover not only
ingestion, but also inhalation, skin contact, and
genital contact. All these studies show serious
risks for humans. Our government gives us strong
warnings about Boric Acid chronic exposure risks
with the greatest risks being neurological, and
reproductive damage.
Studies with dogs showed genital contact with Boric
Acid attacked, damaged, and shrunk the gonads.
“Studies in humans, particularly infants, show that
boron (as boric acid) can be lethal following
ingestion. Infants who ingested formula accidentally
prepared with 2.5% aqueous solution of boric acid
died within 3 days after exposure (Wong et al.
1964). … 5 of 11 infants died … Degenerative changes
were seen in the liver, kidney, and brain.”
“One study was reported involving occupational
exposure (10 years or greater) to boron aerosols
(22-80 mg/m3) in males engaged in the production of
boric acids (Tarasenko et al. 1972). The study group
was small, consisting of 28 men. Low sperm counts,
reduced sperm motility and elevated fructose content
of seminal fluids were observed.”
“Dogs were fed 29 mg boron/kg/day as borax and boric
acid (1,170 ppm), respectively in the diet for 38
weeks (Weir and Fisher 1972). Testicular atrophy and
spermatogenic arrest were reported. Reproductive
effects were reported in rats following chronic
exposure. In rats fed up to 58.5 mg boron/kg/day (as
borax or boric acid) for several generations, there
was a lack of viable sperm in atrophied testes and
ovulation decreased in females (Weir and Fisher
“Boric acid was detected in urine of patients 23
days after a single ingestion (Wang et al. 1964).”
“In animals, prenatal exposure of mice (79 mg
boron/kg/day as boric acid) and rats (13.6 mg
boron/kg/day as boric acid) during gestation days
0-17 and 0-20 caused developmental effects
consisting of reduced fetal body weight or minor
skeletal changes and possibly delay in maturation (Heindel
et al. 1991). There was degeneration of the
seminiferous tubules and impaired spermatogenesis in
mice exposed to dose levels of 111 mg boron/kg/day
as boric acid for 2 generations (NIEHS 1990).”
Boric Acid is absorbed through skin contact,
particularly damaged skin, and inhalation. Quoting
the federally required Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
for Boric Acid (H3BO3):
Health Effects
Causes irritation to the mucous membranes of the
respiratory tract. May be absorbed from the mucous
membranes, and depending on the amount of exposure
could result in the development of nausea, vomiting,
diarrhea, drowsiness, rash, headache, fall in body
temperature, low blood pressure, renal injury,
cyanosis, coma, and death.
Symptoms parallel absorption via inhalation. Adult
fatal dose reported at 5 to > 30 grams.
Skin Contact:
Causes skin irritation. Not significantly absorbed
through the intact skin. Readily absorbed through
damaged or burned skin. Symptoms of skin absorption
parallel inhalation and ingestion.
Eye Contact:
Causes irritation, redness, and pain.
Chronic Exposure:
Prolonged absorption causes weight loss, vomiting,
diarrhea, skin rash, convulsions and anemia. Liver
and particularly the kidneys may be susceptible.
Studies of dogs and rats have shown that infertility
and damage to testes can result from acute or
chronic ingestion of boric acid. Evidence of toxic
effects on the human reproductive system is
Aggravation of Pre-existing Conditions:
Persons with pre-existing skin disorders or eye
problems, or impaired liver, kidney or respiratory
function may be more susceptible to the effects of
the substance.”
See full MSDS:
The following quotes are from the conclusions of a
recent EPA document:
June 2004
Studies in laboratory animals conducted by oral
exposure have identified the developing fetus and
the testes as the two most sensitive targets of
boron toxicity in multiple species (Weir and Fisher,
1972; Seal and Weeth, 1980; NTP, 1987; Fail et al.,
1991; Price et al., 1996a,b; Field et al., 1989).
The developmental effects that have been reported
following boron exposure include high prenatal
mortality, reduced fetal body weight and
malformations and variations of the eyes, central
nervous system, cardiovascular system, and axial
skeleton (Price et al., 1996a,b; Field et al.,
The testicular effects that have been reported
include reduced organ weight and organ:body weight
ratio, atrophy, degeneration of the spermatogenic
epithelium, impaired spermatogenesis, reduced
fertility and sterility (Weir and Fisher, 1972; Seal
and Weeth, 1980; NTP, 1987; Fail et al., 1991; Dixon
et al., 1979; Linder et al., 1990; Treinen and
Chapin, 1991; Ku et al., 1993 ).
Boron is readily absorbed from the gastrointestinal
tract following oral exposure (Schou et al., 1984;
Vanderpool et al., 1994). Boron is also absorbed
following inhalation exposure, although it is not
clear how much is absorbed directly through the
mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and how
much is cleared by mucociliary activity and
swallowed (Culver et al., 1994).
Boric acid and borate compounds in the body exist
primarily as undissociated boric acid, which
distributes evenly throughout the soft tissues of
the body (Ku et al., 1991; Naghii and Samman,
1996b). Although it does not accumulate in the soft
tissues, boron does accumulate in bone, reaching
steady-state levels approximately 4-fold higher than
plasma levels after 1-4 weeks, depending on dose (Ku
et al., 1991; Chapin et al., 1997). Boric acid is
not degraded in the body, but can form complexes
with various biomolecules by mechanisms that appear
to be concentration dependent and reversible (IEHR
1997; WHO, 1998a). Boric acid is excreted primarily
in the urine. It is cleared from the plasma with a
half-life of approximately 21 hours (Jansen et al.,
1984a), but eliminated very slowly from bone (Chapin
et al., 1997).
Confidence in the principal developmental studies is
high; they are well-designed studies that examined
relevant developmental endpoints using a large
number of animals. Similar developmental effects
were noted in rats, mice and rabbits. Confidence in
the data base is high due to the existence of
several subchronic and chronic studies, as well as
adequate reproductive and developmental toxicology
Occupational exposure to boron dust and exposure to
boron in consumer products (e.g., cosmetics,
medicines, insecticides) are other potentially
significant sources (ATSDR, 1992). [I don’t think
these researchers or EPA ever considered the
possibility that we would put 1.5 pounds of Boric
Acid powder as loose dust in the surface of Queen
Millions of people are unknowingly already sleeping
in this poison in anticipation of this new law.
Industry, CPSC, and California will soon force our
entire population to sleep in these chemicals.
The science of toxicology uses high dose short-term
exposure on various animals to predict the affect of low dose long-term exposure
on humans. Chemical exposure risk greatly increases with, close contact, and
length of exposure. For an infant born today this exposure on a mattress will be
eight or more hours per day, every day, for the next seventy years or more.

This mattress cutaway shows how Boric Acid is used in
mattresses. The layer at the surface is fluffy cotton batting treated with Boric
Acid. The layer next to the springs is compressed cotton batting treated with
Boric Acid. The law label tells us the mattress contains: 47% Urethane Foam,
39% Treated Cotton, 13% Polyester Fiber. By weighing the cotton batting in
the mattress and assuming 10% Boric Acid by weight, Boric Acid treated
mattresses would contain the following amount of Boric Acid in each mattress:
Size |
Pounds |
Ounces |
Grams |
Miligrams |
King |
1.8 |
29 |
824 |
824,000 |
Queen |
1.5 |
23 |
659 |
659,000 |
Full |
1.2 |
20 |
553 |
553,000 |
Twin |
0.9 |
14 |
386 |
386,000 |
Here is how Boric Acid is applied to cotton batting: “Generally
applied in the mixing machine prior to garneting, boric acid is introduced to
the cotton fibers along with a small amount of oil and chemical surfactant. To
further achieve even distribution and adherence to the fibers, the boric acid is
ground to a very fine consistency prior to application. … Applied as a white
powder, boric acid is inorganic and is odorless.” (NCBI) Thus you can see Boric
Acid is not chemically bound and exists as loose dust in the surface of our
mattresses. As the mattress gets older and oils dry out even more Boric Acid
will kick up into our faces with every body movement for us to breathe and
Human fatal single dose of Boric Acid reported at 2 g. Children, 5 g. Adults.
There are already 6,453 US cases of Boric Acid Poisoning every year. Our
calculations show young children could be poisoned by sucking on boric acid
These mattresses also
contain Antimony. The CPSC extraction studies show cotton batting flame
proofing systems contain 2.4% Antimony. Based on cotton batting weights
measured above mattresses would contain the following amounts of Antimony:
Amount of Antimony in
Mattresses by Size
Size |
Pounds |
Ounces |
Grams |
Miligrams |
King |
0.43 |
7 |
198 |
197,760 |
Queen |
0.36 |
6 |
158 |
158,160 |
Full |
0.29 |
5 |
133 |
132,720 |
Twin |
0.22 |
3 |
93 |
92,640 |
Most government agencies
say there is no safe level of Antimony absorption.
By assuming, without
data, that we will absorb only 2/1,000's of Antimony and 9/100,000's of
Boric Acid, that has leached through our mattress and is in contact with our
bodies, the CPSC says we will absorb a daily dose of .802 mg Antimony and
.083 mg Boric Acid, every day for the rest of our lives. Of course, the
real number could be much higher. Many people don't want to absorb any
poison from their mattress and would rather take the one in one million
mattress fire risk.