including Chiropractors can prescribe and sell toxin free beds
under new national flameproof mattress law. No inventory required, we can
ship direct to your patient.
Chiropractors can become Prescription Bed Dealers Free! No investment
Fill out this form for a free info kit on
chemical risks, mattresses, adjustable beds, pads, and pillows, with
wholesale prices.
Chiropractors can provide a public service by informing patients of
this risk, provide a clean toxin free bed, and make a little extra money
too. It is better than the mattress store down the street getting the sale
and profit, and the customer or child unknowingly getting a bed full of
toxic chemicals and absorbing toxins the rest of their lives.
new law requires dangerous flame retardant chemicals to be added to your
mattress. A popular chemical used is a poisonous pesticide called
Boric Acid that has many known health risks including, anemia,
cyanosis, coma, testicle
damage, infertility, sterility, fetal death, birth defects, and simple slow
Boric Acid Systems also contain Antimony, a Heavy Metal almost identical
to Arsenic. Other systems they try to call Rayon contain Silica Glass, a
respiratory hazard, and other toxic chemicals. There are no chemical free
systems that pass the severe open flame test.
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